Orkney Image Library

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Donald Mackay, ferry man Sylvia writes: 'This is Donald Mackay, ferry man of ferry house long hope pier 1946'
Class 1A Kirkwall Grammar School Back Row Lft to Right: Albert Thomson, Billy Watson,Billy Thomson,Edwin Firth,Eoin Chalmers,Henry Ed...
1934 Chrysler Airflow Shooting brake body by Dave Norquoy. The Inn, St Marys The Steelwork in the background is the re...
Southend School, Sanday Back Row Left to Right. John Sinclair, Pat Walls, Annie Sinclair, Billy Walls, David Sinclair, Jim ...
Deerness School 1940's Things have moved on from the earlier school photos and this photo shows the boys and girls together...
Kirkwall Grammar School 1946 Sorry about the poor quality of the picture but this was a photocopy. Still I thought it was too goo...
K.G.S. 1946 Although I am not in this class at this time,most of the pupils were in my class at one time or anot...
K.G.S. Class of 1946 thumb #3586 List of names for this photo as promised.
Orkney Coastal Defences This photo had Coastal Defences, Orkney, written on the back. Can anybody recognise where it was tak...
101st H.A.A. Regiment Royal Artillery This is the cover page of a booklet which was published in 1946 by the former commanding officer of ...
101st H.A.A. Regiment Royal Artillery in action. From the book Ubique when the regiment were in action during the Burma campaign. The 226 Orkney Bat...
101st H.A.A. Regiment Royal Artillery Page 5 of the book 'Ubique'.

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Family connected to Foubister's shopFire escape on hostel C blockOld coastguard slipway, StronsayTrumland House after the fire in 1985Small turret in the Earl’s Palace gardensA strangely low rainbow over StennessGolta Z Battery, Flotta.Limeade from R.Garden's lemonade factoryJarvie Family 1920The Haven, Brims