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John Windwick winding Cathedral clock
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John Windwick winding Cathedral clock

Alan writes:
'We have John Windwick winding the cathedral clock in September 85. John of course was the custodian for many years. I think he had to wind that every day. Mr J Rousay winds it now or is it electric? Incidentally working late one evening in the cathedral a good friend of mine who is quite sensible and knew the cathedral layout, acoustics etc very well, felt the hairs on the back of his neck rise when I entered the cathedral and he realised that it wasn't me, who he assumed it was, that he had heard walking around the upper levels of the cathedral shortly before I arrived.'
Picture added on 25 November 2004
Still wound by hand, normally by cathedral mason
Added by Ross Flett on 25 November 2004
Years ago, in my youth, I spent many hours over several years in the Cathedral sketching different parts of it, including upstairs. I often heard footsteps in different areas but nobody there. Mr Thompson told me that he also heard this many times. Maybe it's something to do with the accoustics of the building or is there another reason????
Added by Marion McLeod on 25 November 2004
I remember during exam time when I had lots of hours to fill in until the Orphir bus came to take us home from KGS, being allowed to get into the part of the cathedral where the plans were stored. We were shown the plans for the cathedral and all the stone 'carvings'. I guess I was lucky as I don't think that would be allowed now.
Added by Mag MacDonald (Bews) on 15 November 2009
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