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Kirkwall Burgh School, Class VI, 1921
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Kirkwall Burgh School, Class VI, 1921

Marion writes:
'My Dad got these photos from a friend. They belonged to her sister who had written all the names and details on the back of them so I have scanned both front and back for each. She had asked for them to be put on your website. I am sure there will be plenty of people who can remember most of these children as grown ups.'
Picture added on 17 November 2004
Aggie Ritchie would have been my auntie, not that I remember her.
Added by Alison Ritchie on 13 April 2007
I have the original of this! The names were listed by Nina Ritch (later Sutherland) and your Dad may have got a copy from her sister Violet Ritch (later Aitken). The family was from Kitchen of Brecks in Deerness.
Added by Fiona Sutherland on 01 July 2008
I recognise this list as my mother's handwriting. She was, Ruby Leslie (nee Marwick), as detailed in the second row.
Added by Tina Smith (nee Leslie) on 18 November 2013
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