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I found this bottle, unfortunately empty whilst emptying my fathers drinks cabinet this weekend. We lived in Orkney until 1964 and I presume the bottle is pre 1964. Can anyone help date this bottle please? I note there is no mention of alcohol proof? Dad taught at Kirkwall Grammar School from 1955 until 1964. He passed away at 94 earlier this week. I would be grateful to hear from anyone who knew him as teacher at the school.
Picture added on 24 September 2021 at 09:35
See picture #2616 for what appears to be the same label in 1927. The metal screw cap probably means it is a lot more recent. I think they came in around the 1960s. No doubt a search around the internet would show when labels first had to show the proof rating.
Added by Paul Sutherland on 25 September 2021
Thanks Paul
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Anonymous comment added on 06 December 2021