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Yet another unknown fisher
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Yet another unknown fisher

Another basket of sea trout with an unknown captor. The Highland Park bottles may have been a prize? Or perhaps the fisher was something to do with the distillery.
Picture added on 21 March 2007
This is a Tom Kent photograph from the Orkney Archives collection. The caption reads "R.S. Cumming with a catch of Sea Trout weighing 18.5 lbs, caught at Seaby, 27th October 1927"
Added by David Mackie on 21 March 2007
This is my grandfather, Robert Stephen Cumming, of Kirkwall, born 1891. His daughter, my Mum, is Muriel Macpherson (Cumming) who left Orkney in 1949 when she married. She and my Dad returned in 1997 and live in Kirkwall.
Added by Fiona Norris on 07 February 2009
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