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KGS Primary 3 - 1954
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KGS Primary 3 - 1954

KGS Primary 3 - 1954

The second of John Groat's photos - known names for this one: Magnus Brass, Lewis Munro, Robin Bain, Richard Gibson, Jackie Scott, Raymond or Edmund? Cooper, John Groat, Gary Miller

As before confirmation of details and any names would be welcome
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Picture added on 31 December 2016 at 22:48
Magnus Brass, Louis Munro, John Sim, Ronnie Birnie, John Laird, Richard Gibson, Jackie Scott, Edwin Rendall, John Groat.
Thomas Gourlay, Janette Corsie, Jennifer Linklater, Glennis Harrison, Eileen MacGillivray, Wendy Horne, Diane Groundwater?, Sheila Kynoch, David Hampton.
Janette Laird, Margaret Bews, Moira Tait, ?Swannay?Jennifer Harcus, Moira Sandison, Helen Sinclair, Ruth Foster, ?MacGillivray, Louise Scott, Edna Harcus, Ian Falconer.
Mabel Findlay, Alice?, Norman Stout?, Alice Borwick, Roy Linklater, Ingrid Thomson, Gladys? Gary Miller, Helen Rosie, Cynthia Johnston, Joyce Lamont, Tony Monkman?
Added by Sheila Walls on 31 January 2017
Corrections - Inga Foster (not Ruth); Ishbel MacGillivray and I think it is Gladys Drever.
Added by Sheila Walls on 06 February 2017
Forth from left second front row Kathleen Swanney my wife since 1963
Added by Ian Flett on 22 February 2017
Ishbel MacGillivray was my 2nd cousin. She was knocked down and killed on Glaitness Road on 19 April 1955. Sadness throughout the whole school. I still remember the day.
Added by Rognvald Spence on 01 March 2019
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