The Orkney Image Library
No: 2790 Contributor: Kirkwallian Year: 2005
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What is it and where is it?
Picture added on 09 April 2007
This picture is in the following groups
Mystery places or things or people
Mystery places or things or people
Hoy, for a start.
Anonymous comment added on 09 April 2007
I dont know what or where that is, but I'm sure its the same as the crest on the front of the Garason Theatre in Lyness
Added by Keith Dempsey on 09 April 2007
stone, field.
Added by Ross on 10 April 2007
This stone is at the Pegal Burn Picnic area in Hoy. Noticed it when we stopped there on the 13th April.
Added by John Manson on 14 April 2007