The Orkney Image Library
No: 27606 Contributor: Jim Eunson Year: 1918
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Admiral Beatty's address to First Battle Cruiser Squadron 24 November 1918
The text of an address given by Beatty to the Officers and Men of HMS Lion and First Battle Cruiser Squadron as they were about to depart as escort to the German Fleet to Scapa Flow. He is not particularly complimentary about Scapa, nor about the German Navy.
Picture added on 15 December 2014 at 15:50
Yes Jim, the depth of Beatty's scorn and disdain for the enemy surprises me. My father fought in the trenches in WW1 and was involved in some of the hardest battles, and while he invariably referred to the Germans as the Boche (a slang word borrowed from the French meaning scoundrels) I never heard him express actual contempt for the enemy.
Added by Ian Hourston on 15 December 2014