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Kirkwall Primary Football Champions Sweyn
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Kirkwall Primary Football Champions Sweyn

We played Erlend team in the Final at the Bignold Park in 1964. I don't remember the score. The only football trophy I ever won!

Anyone want to supply names?
Picture added on 14 September 2014 at 21:17
Nice matching team socks ! Erlend Tait with the "macho" style socks over the shinguards. I can see Robert Mack, ? Craigie, Ronnie Johnston, Banger Hill, Ian Burns , Eoin Sutherland and maybe John Dowell.
Added by Anonymous on 18 September 2014
Back Row L-R Kevin Bews, Spanner Spence? Me, Robert Mack, Ronnie Johnstone, John Smith
Front Row L-R Eoin Sutherland, Brian Hill, Alan Craigie, Erland Tait, Brian Mooney, Ian Burns
Added by Jack Shearer on 22 September 2014
I think it looks a bit like Robert Mack fourth from the left at the back. We started school together at South Walls School, Longhope in 1957 but they moved when his father became the Director of Education at the Grammar. Might be wrong though for I never saw him again and at that time he was just about six years old.
Added by Beryl Simpson on 22 September 2014
Back row - Kevin Bews,James Spence,Jackie Shearer,Robert Mack,Ronnie Johnston,John Smith.
Front row - Eoin Sutherland,Brian Hill,Alan Craigie,Erlend Tait,Robert Mooney,Ian Burns
Added by Erlend Tait on 29 September 2014
My god Erland whit a bonny boy you were
Added by Any port on 10 October 2014
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