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This is my grandfather James Sinclair of Astley Cottage in Shapinsay, he joined the Territorials and was called up at the start of World War 1 and served in Orkney and France. He took over his fathers joinery shop and general merchants shop till he retired in 1970 with his wife Margaret Ann Shearer ( Annie)
Picture added on 14 September 2014 at 21:15
Astley was the hub of the island back in the day and as bairns we loved going there.Little did we realise then what horrors that older generation had gone through in WW1.
Added by Marlene Mainland on 17 September 2014
Is this James Sinclair born 1892? I've only just started to do some research into my family and Im 99.9% sure that John Sinclair born 1896 (James brother) is my great grandfather! He died in 1976 in Margaret River Western Australia. He married Elizabeth Harcus Hewison in 1917 and she died in 1991. Can someone confirm this for me?
Added by Jennifer Anne Sinclair Brown on 25 July 2016
The 1901 census for Shapinsay shows the brothers at Astley cottage as Robert, Charles, James and John aged 18,14,9 and 4 respectively.James was the only one who remained in the island in later years.
Added by Marlene Mainland on 02 August 2016
They were definitely brothers, as John's marriage certificate confirms Astley Cottage as his home. (Coincidentally, this is where my brother lives now!)
Added by Marlene Mainland on 02 August 2016
Yes my grandfather James was the only one who stayed in the islands, Robert and Charles both went to Canada and your great grandfather went to Australia.If you need any help with your family tree please contact me.
Anonymous comment added on 07 August 2016
Can anyone help me with my ancestor? He is William Sinclair born -apparently- may 16th of 1837 in Shapinsay, Orkney. His fathers were Robert born abt 1805 and Elizabeth Drever born abt 1809 both also in Shapinsay.
William emigrated to Buenos Aires, Argentina around 1860 he became catholic in december 25 of that year and got married two days later with Mary Scallan born in 1835 in Wexford Co. Ireland, he then died between 1868 and 1869.
William emigrated to Buenos Aires, Argentina around 1860 he became catholic in december 25 of that year and got married two days later with Mary Scallan born in 1835 in Wexford Co. Ireland, he then died between 1868 and 1869.
Added by John on 14 January 2020
Try contacting Orkney Family History Society for help with family history research. They have volunteers there who will happily assist. www.orkneyfhs.co.uk
Added by Jackie Harrison on 23 January 2020
There is a 4 year old William Sinclair in Shapinsay living in a Drever household (presumably grandparents). Woman Betsy (Elizabeth) Drever (40) too.1841 census.
Added by Marlene Mainland on 05 February 2020
Hi, I’m looking for the person ( the grandchild of James) who made a comment above on the 07 August 2016. I didn’t actually see the comment until recently, but their details are anonymous. I have family in Perth Western Australia that would like to know more of about their heritage. If possible can that person make contact again?
Added by Jennifer Anne Sinclair Brown on 07 February 2020
Marlene, seems to be him! how can I access that record for free? is it possible?
Jackie, I've already send them an email! Thanks a lot!
Jackie, I've already send them an email! Thanks a lot!
Added by John on 17 February 2020
John not free, but OFHS have census booklets and also membership of Scotland's People, which is our national database of all statutory records.
Added by Marlene Mainland on 24 February 2020
My grandpa was James' brother Robert Sinclair who moved to Canada. I'm wondering when he moved to Canada.
Added by Judy Meintzer on 27 September 2020
He went to Canada we think in 1913 on Census for 1916 he was in Rockwood, Manitoba age 30 .
Added by Phyllis Garden on 09 October 2020
We have Robert arriving in Canada aged 27.1916 Census has him living in Rockwood, Selkirk , Manitoba. 24 June 1920 he married Maud Philpott
Added by Phyllis Garden on 10 October 2020
Thanks very much Phyllis
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Added by Judy Meintzer on 28 October 2020