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Mainlands from Shapinsay?
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Mainlands from Shapinsay?

Early 1900s. Can anybody name these people.could they be Mainlands from Shapinsay.
Picture added on 13 July 2014 at 19:48
In 1911 there was a Mainland family, originally from Sanday, at Inkerman in Shapinsay. Donald Mainland 37,his wife Jane 51, nee Peace, from Stronsay,James Mainland 73, and Margaret Mainland 40.Have you any clues to the history of the photo?
Added by Marlene Mainland on 15 July 2014
Hullo Marlene,my great granny was Margaret Mainland from Shapinsay.My Mum is 93 and she had the photo which would have come from her in-laws who were Donald and Ann Peace.She said Margaret came from Inkerman.We really don't know anything about the photo except that they were to do with the Mainland family.Would love to know more.
Added by Doris Shearer Stronsay on 18 July 2014
Hello Doris,if we assume that the folk in the photo are those I originally listed,then Donald Peace was the brother of Jane, standing at the right. Their mother was Margaret Mainland (Sanday), a sister of James (seated). This also meant of course, that the married couple, Donald and Jane were first cousins (as is stated on their marriage certificate)They had no children and although she was 14 years older than him, outlived him by about twenty years.The other siblings of Jane and Donald Peace were John, James, David, Walter and Elizabeth.
Added by Marlene Mainland on 29 July 2014
Hi again, Doris
I hope that wasn't too confusing, as I realised that the two Donalds- Jane Peace's brother, and her husband, Donald Mainland could lead to misunderstanding!The name Donald was prevalent in the Mainland family from Sanday, dating back at least six generations. My husband is also Donald Mainland, but I'm afraid that line stops with us!
Added by Marlene Mainland on 29 July 2014
Hi marlene,All you say is fairly possible.There were lots of Donalds in the Peace side of the family too.Still are.Thanks for taking the trouble to write.Much appreciated. Doris
Added by Doris Shearer nee Peace on 03 August 2014
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