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Mystery vandalism
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Mystery vandalism

Some vandalism for you - but who were MJ & PD? Give yourself a Blue Peter Badge if you know where this is! ( I'll post the location in the future if no one gets it right).
Picture added on 29 May 2013 at 23:34
This picture is in the following groups
Mystery places or things or people
A Chinese kid was in deep trouble recently for defacing some old relic in Egypt,so maybe MJ and PD might want to stay on the QT !
Added by Roy Sinclair on 30 May 2013
Is that no MJFD

aka Mike Drever
Anonymous comment added on 31 May 2013
Maybe the Dwarfie Stone?
Added by Orkweb@aolcom on 01 June 2013
Is it out at Scapa on sea wall.
Added by Billy Cardno on 01 June 2013
Kitchener Memorial.
Added by Bruce Flett on 02 June 2013
Is that not what was known as the naming stone at the black craig in outertown
Added by Ian Flett on 06 October 2013
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