Orkney Image Library

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Al Hine

What was the Black Building What's left of The Black Building - 16 May 2010.
Remains of the Black Building The remaining Black Building stump shown further back, with Wideford Hill in the background - 16 May...
Remains of the Black Building A sad looking pile of Black Building rubble - note a certain capitol city named on one of the bricks...
Work on new Tesco store Work continues apace on the new Tesco store - the old Presto /Safeway/ Morrisons /Somerfield / Tesco...
Old Tesco al fresco "Old" Tesco starting to come apart - June 9 2010. [I'm on a roll with the titles today... Steven]
Bismillah! Kirkwall punished by lightning Sunday July 4 2010. Lighting over the new houses behind Glaitness Park, Kirkwall. I videoed this & t...
Car from the past Here's one for the BS Registration Number section - the car is a 1979 ( Mitsubishi) Colt Sigma 1600 ...
Mystery watercolour church This water colour has been in my possession for 25 years now, & was painted in March 1980, this phot...
The Orphir Kirk And here is the real kirk, from the watercolour painting I uploaded prior to this one - if you guess...
Mid-level tanks no more August 14 2010. Off George Steet just before Meadowbank - another familier Kirkwall building has bit...
New Picture Keelylang Hill transmitting station in the mist, picture taken on Sunday August 22 2010 at the Cruan...
One-nine for a copy... Typical CB radio used in Orkney around 1980/81. These set were of course illegal, I don't think anyb...

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