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Calum sends in this scene of feverish activity.
Picture added on 21 September 2004
I have an ancestral line that I can trace back to stronsay late 1700's I have never been there and this is the first photograph I have ever seen of the island, please find or add more.
Added by Mark Fletcher on 16 February 2005
That house on the left is where I was born and brought up. It's called "Fagerheim" as my mother was Norwegian.
Added by Bertha Fiddler on 02 June 2012
I understand there was a fairly high percent of the population that was of Norwegian descent. Makes sense considering the location of the Orkney Island chain. Is there a translation for "Stronsay" does it actually have a meaning. Someone told me it is actually a Norwegian word for something?
Added by Mark Fletcher on 06 June 2012
Like so many Orkney placenames, and virtually all the islands' names, 'Stronsay' comes from the old Norse language. There has been some debate as to what Stronsay actually 'means'. I can't improve on Charles Tait's words in one of his guidebooks:
Stronsay (ON Strjonsey - gain or profit island - most likely in the sense of good farming and fishing).
Stronsay (ON Strjonsey - gain or profit island - most likely in the sense of good farming and fishing).
Added by Ian Hourston on 08 June 2012
Mark, I think at some point in the distant past, it meant "Strjons øy - the island of someone called Strjon, presumably a Viking!
Added by Bertha Fiddler on 08 June 2012
Thanks Ian for the insight into the name... the other one that has always made me wonder is the small place or village on one of the islands called Brinyan.
Added by Mark Fletcher on 11 June 2012
My bibles when it comes to Orkney place-names - Marwick's 'Orkney Farm-names' & 'The Place-names of Birsay' - make no mention of Brinyan, or any name similar enough to suggest a common origin. Yet the word Brinyan does have an Orkney 'feel' to it.
Added by Ian Hourston on 11 June 2012
Thanks Ian, I'll relocate my source for that name and see if I can then shed some light on it.
Anonymous comment added on 15 June 2012
Marwick's Rousay Place Names gives two possible origins for The Brinnyan - O.N. bringan, the breast or on phonetic grounds O.N. brennan, the burnt clearing. It's a small district to the SE of Rousay.
Added by Cathleen Spence on 15 June 2012
If you look at Marwick's Rousay Place-names you will find it on p 52 he is uncertain as to whether it is from O.N. bringan (breast) or brennan (the burnt clearing)
If you look at Marwick's Rousay Place-names you will find it on p 52 he is uncertain as to whether it is from O.N. bringan (breast) or brennan (the burnt clearing)
Added by Jim Eunson on 16 June 2012
Thanks Cathleen and Jim.
Added by Ian Hourston on 20 June 2012
Thanks to all of you for your efforts to clarify that word for me, very intresting as it comes very close to the limited information I was given years ago by one of the last people here in Canada I knew who still spoke Gaelic. His interpretation was that it was a " hillside clearing",so it appears that "clearing" of some sort is at the root of the word.
I can't wait to get to the islands someday. I hear there is a great music festival there,perhaps I can bring my whole group over as we perform allover Canada and the US. www.rantmaggierant.com
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I can't wait to get to the islands someday. I hear there is a great music festival there,perhaps I can bring my whole group over as we perform allover Canada and the US. www.rantmaggierant.com
Added by Mark Fletcher on 21 June 2012