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Aurora from Rousay, September 2004
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Aurora from Rousay, September 2004

John sends in this picture of the Merry Dancers from September 13th, and writes:

'It includes most of the constellation Ursa Major with the "Plough" showing well (including the pair Mizar and Alcol in the tail).

Data: 2004 Sep. 13, 22h 54m GMT; 8 sec. exposure 27mm F/3.6, ISO 650. North.'

Picture added on 17 September 2004
The details blind me with science John, but it's a fantastic picture!

Any chance of an upload of the picture you took of the recent lunar eclipse?
Added by Kathy Danby on 29 March 2007
Thank you John. I left Rousay in 1950 and one of my fondest memories is of sitting outside Sourin schoolhouse watching scenes like this with my father. My own children often ask how we managed without having a television! --This was one of the ways.
Added by Ken Michie on 30 May 2007
This is what I love about astronomy and especially in the northern latitudes. This is a beautiful picture of the dancers..wish I could have taken it. What camera and f stop did you use and filter?
Added by Dennis J Herdina on 31 May 2007
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