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The power and the glory
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The power and the glory

Sneak preview of the card I'm making up for Sandy's birthday on Sunday :-)
Picture added on 06 March 2012 at 18:36
And people worried about the wind turbine at Hatston ruining the view of the town and the cathederal.....
Added by Alistair Foden on 06 March 2012
Lovely. Pity there's no smoke.
Added by W Watters on 06 March 2012
How many years does each tower represent?
Added by Billy Cardno on 07 March 2012
Such an apt title Steven. But have a care. The Lord may not lift up his countenance upon you for this framing of His House between the stacks of Hell. He may indeed send another plague upon you. You havs had the first one - that was me.
Added by Sandy on 07 March 2012
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