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Boys Brigade marching onto Broad Street
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Boys Brigade marching onto Broad Street

[Date originally guessed by me - Steven]
Picture added on 26 February 2012 at 20:29
How did we manage with the council office so small????

[You've got to realise that there was a separate Stromness Town Council then - Steven]
Added by W Watters on 26 February 2012
Dave, going by the age of the boys when I was in the company I would guess at 1954/1955
Added by Ian Tulloch 26 Feb 2012 on 26 February 2012
the boy front left is Work, cant mind his first name he wid be 2/3 years older than me and I was 21 in 1965 Work would around 15/16 in photo guess it would be 1957/58 note the Ford car and Bob Tullock [garage] leading the parade. Syd Cooper behind him (he was drum major KCPB at one time).
Added by Ex Bb Member on 27 February 2012
Two behind Mr Cooper--would that be John Linklater, the dentist's son? I think it's a Learmonth boy in front of him. I seem to remember he died young.

Anyway--where are you, David? There's a Rendall boy nearer the back-nickname Screwie.
Added by Myra Shearer on 27 February 2012
Just thought---you would have been far too young--or even not yet born--to be in this photo.
Added by Myra Shearer on 27 February 2012
I think the date given for this one is very near correct 1955, going by the dates in the back of my mind.
"Yours truly" is the officer at the rear of the company just in front of the van.
Added by Peter Burges on 27 February 2012
Ex BB member.

He is Pat Work from Holland farm on Stronsay.
Added by Price Sinclair on 27 February 2012
Three behind Jack Rendall looks like Alan Tullock
Added by Neil Johnstone on 27 February 2012
directly behind Syd Cooper looks like Lugs Harcus
Added by Ex Bb Member on 28 February 2012
I think you would be right Myra next to Work is Learmonth and as you say he died young. He was a painter with Bains.
Added by Ex Bb Member on 29 February 2012
Every single member in step and with their heads up, wearing their uniform with pride.
Added by David Tullock on 01 March 2012
The officer at the rear looks like Billy Wilson who was the marching instructor if I remember correctly. And a terrific job he did too.
Added by Neil Johnstone on 01 March 2012
No slouching when you were on parade with Capt. Tullock. Good days though. We thought we were something - and we were.

[I changed Tulloch to Tullock to save David referring to you as Sandy Windwich for the rest of your days - Steven]
Added by Sandy on 02 March 2012
LOOK at my email above Neil- it's no him
Added by Peter Burges on 04 March 2012
Sorry Peter, I missed that bit.
Added by Neil Johnstone on 04 March 2012
Have just come across this photo in my researches on Kirkwall since 1900 and would confirm this must be 1955 or at least the 1954/55 season. Jimmie Learmonth alongside Peter Work left the company towards the end of that season. He did die young and was an older brother of Alistair Learmonth retired manager of Orkney Ferries (the old Orkney Steam) Pat Leslie behind Peter is still a Private with no stripe on his arm. Pat,along with Jackie Barnett,Robert Scott, John Linklater, Bobby Leslie and myself were all made L/Cpls for the 1955/56 season. The boys in the column behind Peter and Pat are Jack (Screwie) Rendall, Lennox Sutherland, Kenny Linklater and, as Neil Johnstone says, Alan Tulloch. John Linklater is behind Jimmie Learmonth.
I would suspect that William (Lugs) Hercus would have been in the company' pipe band leading the parade and other band members would likely have been the instructor Willie Macleod of KCPB, Arnold Calder, Brian Findlay, and a drum corps of Dave (Flash) Walker, Leslie (Dumpy) Campbell, Ronnie Muir, Jim (Mosh) Marwick, Jim Maxwell, and Cecil Sinclair as Drum-Major.
As for myself, not being one of the taller boys I would be somewhere in the middle hidden by taller Boys.
Added by David Partner on 14 January 2016
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