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The culvert taking the Willow Burn under the Papdale school.

Picture added on 18 January 2012 at 11:32
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New Schools Programme
New Schools Programme
It would have been quite a unique feature to have had the Willowburn flowing through the school. Much too modernistic I suppose!!
Added by Neil Johnstone on 18 January 2012
Ah but it will. See 26038
Added by W Watters on 18 January 2012
Neil - it flows under the right hand classroom and the new extension behind it, then out into the playground, then under the school again before heading for the Willows. The basement level boiler room is well below the culvert.
Added by Karl Cooper on 18 January 2012
That does not go straight down to the school. It turns at the corner of the car park, and goes right ( as you look at the picture, and goes up the road along the primary school playing fields, and turns down where the small path was, which will be about where they built that small concrete shed a few years ago. We used to play in that burn when we were bairns, roaming over the area of ground that is now the KGS playing fields, behind the Garrioch Street houses.
Added by Alastair on 18 January 2012