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Mystery event
A rather poignant occasion. Anyone willing to say where, when and who?
(Photographer unknown to me - probably a member of the hotel staff.)

Picture added on 16 January 2012 at 11:15
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Mystery places or things or people
Mystery places or things or people
Barony hotel around 1990. Stromness/ Dounby class reunion?
Added by Ian Tait on 16 January 2012
Added by Billy Cardno on 17 January 2012
Yes, a school reunion Billy. ('School' is more accurate than 'class' in this case.) It may or may not be helpful to say that the bald guy at the right, with the pink-striped tie, is me. The reason I'm not more forthcoming with names is that some of those I've forgotten will think, quite rightly, they should have been remembered. Think it was Ayre Hotel rather than Barony but won't swear to it.
Added by Ian Hourston on 18 January 2012
Billy Sabiston next to Ian Hourston
Added by Fred Johnston on 18 January 2012
Sorry, it was the Lynnfield not the Ayre, and the year was 1995.
Added by Ian Hourston on 18 January 2012
Some names. Standing L to R: 1st Freddie Isbister, 5th Lena(?) Comloquoy, 6th Amy Moar, 7th Margaret Hancox, 8th Annie Sabiston, 12th Elsie Collins, 13th John Bias. Front L to R: Ethel Young, Ivan Linklater, Jimmy Oag (behind Ivan), Reta Brown, Billy Sabiston, Ian Hourston.
Could this be the 50th anniversary of the date when some of these folk LEFT school?
Could this be the 50th anniversary of the date when some of these folk LEFT school?
Anonymous comment added on 19 January 2012
Time to wind up this thread. I won't add to Anonymous's list of names. (These are the names they had at school, not necessarily the same now.) It was a reunion involving two Stromness Academy secondary years. For reasons irrelevant to the picture itself, two years overlapped for a while. Most of those present had been in the class above Ivan Linklater, Jimmy Oag and me.
At dinner, I was testiculating* rather carelessly and knocked my glass of red wine over Elsie's pale greeny-yellow blouse. I cloned a lot of it out in the photo, but Elsie had to wash it. When I called round next day with flowers, chocolates and abject apologies, she assured me the stain had come out in the wash and the blouse was good as new. (But she kept the flowers and chocs.) A former next-door-neighbour of mine, Elsie married John Bias, on her left in the photo. In class, John used to have us in stitches with his mimicry of voices from the radio comedies of the day: ITMA, TIFH, Much-Binding, etc. (Sorry if this is double-dutch to younger viewers.)
*Talking balls with your hands.
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At dinner, I was testiculating* rather carelessly and knocked my glass of red wine over Elsie's pale greeny-yellow blouse. I cloned a lot of it out in the photo, but Elsie had to wash it. When I called round next day with flowers, chocolates and abject apologies, she assured me the stain had come out in the wash and the blouse was good as new. (But she kept the flowers and chocs.) A former next-door-neighbour of mine, Elsie married John Bias, on her left in the photo. In class, John used to have us in stitches with his mimicry of voices from the radio comedies of the day: ITMA, TIFH, Much-Binding, etc. (Sorry if this is double-dutch to younger viewers.)
*Talking balls with your hands.
Added by Ian Hourston on 24 January 2012