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KGS boys choir circa 1963
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KGS boys choir circa 1963

KGS concert - boys choir circa 1963

Front row: partial figure?, Kenny Meason, myself, Davie Dunnet, Willie Cowsell, Gary Miller, Hugh Inkster

Second row: John Groat, Brian Cromarty, Bill Drever, Stanley Williamson,?????, Mervyn Tait

Back row: Jimmy Gordon partially visible in the centre of the row; Alistair Tait extreme right

The concert was held in the hall of Papdale Primary School. The photo was taken by John Taylor.
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Picture added on 21 October 2011 at 16:01
See picture #17811, picture #17816, picture #17819 - I expect that this was the same concert as I remember that John Taylor took the photos of the gym displays. I estimated the date at 1962 but 1963 could be right because it was either my 1st or 2nd year
Added by Ian M Gibson on 21 October 2011
Ian,you're right - it was the same concert. However, I'm not sure about the year.
Added by Bill Stout on 22 October 2011
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