The Orkney Image Library
No: 25728 Contributor: Bill Stout Year: 1965
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KGS Secondary 6th year 1964-65
Back Row: Mervyn Tait, Alan Nixon, Jim McEwan, Brian Cromarty, William Cowsell
Front Row: John Sim, Bill Stout, Margaret Stephen, Barbara Inkster, Ingrid Cooper, Magnus Brass, Hugh Inkster

Picture added on 19 October 2011 at 11:30
My brother, Jimmy Spence’s, class. But I recognise a few; Alan Nixon, Bill Cowsell and Hugh Inkster (our second cousin).
Added by Rognvald Spence on 15 January 2020
John Sim was my English teacher in first year at KGS in 1972/73 and again in 1975/77.
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Added by Michael Reid on 21 January 2020