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Throng in front of the cathedral
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Throng in front of the cathedral

No information on this Postcard,date is a guess 1920,in front of the Cathedral.Somebody might know ,like Paul Sutherland. Added by Phil Brough.
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Picture added on 12 August 2011 at 12:46
If this is by Tom Kent, the archives might have the other photos presumably taken at the same time and showing the rest of the crowd, and what they're looking at. It's ringing a bell somewhere, but maybe it will come back to me. Certainly 1920s from all those cloche hats. Anyone know who the photographer standing in the middle is? A young J W Sinclair perhaps?
Added by Paul Sutherland on 21 August 2011
Unveiling of the War Memorial in 1927? see picture #23557 they are all looking in the right direction
Added by Jim Eunson on 24 August 2011
Comparing boths pictures (above and #23557) they cetrtainly seem similar but the only thing that puzzles me is the wall to the right of the front of the cathedral. In the 1929 image the wall is higher with no railings. In the pic above there are railings. If anybody can clarify when the alterations were made that might help pinpoint the year.
Added by Dave Dawson on 25 August 2011
Thanks, Jim, that is the other photo I was thinking of when I said this one was ringing a bell. The war memorial however was unveiled in 1923, not 27 or 29, which explains the lack of railings in that photo. This looks later from the women's hats as well. Could it be the farmers' demonstration of 28th February 1930 when an estimated five thousand people gathered in Broad Street?
Added by Paul Sutherland on 25 August 2011
Isn't it a bit odd that there are these two photos of lots of people looking at something that is not in shot?
Added by Jim Eunson on 27 August 2011
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