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Many of you must have seen Jimmy walking the length and breadth of Orkney with his sheep or carrying a bundle of firewood perhaps. A past character fondly remembered, I happened to be videoing something or other through my living room window when Jimmy appeared with his sheep on a string. Here is the link to the 30 sec video clip-
[Pushing the boat out for you technologically here Alan! - Steven]
Picture added on 24 June 2011 at 16:10
Yes indeed Steven, Davy Gravy does the same on Facebook, all clever stuff.
Added by Spoot on 24 June 2011
A pity Jimmy hadn"t lived to reap the benefit of the better sheep prices.
Anonymous comment added on 25 June 2011
That was good to see a picture and video of my cousin Jim.It was well known Jim used to walk his sheep from pasture to pasture around Kirkwall,usually at night. Sometimes he would ask if i could help deliver his firewood if it was a good bit away. He was a good lad,sadly missed.
Added by Laurence Norquay on 26 June 2011
A little gem. Well done Alan (and Steven)
Added by Sandy on 28 June 2011
Was Jimmy's nickname The Bullet?
Added by Ken Foulis on 29 April 2012
yes it was.
Anonymous comment added on 03 May 2012
Yes, Jim was called Bullet. Some folk also called him Gunner.
Added by Laurence Norquay on 06 May 2012
Many a time Jimmy needed assistance with his sheep and would come in past seeking help and he would have a meal with us. Fond memories.
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Added by Jacqueline Lennie on 08 May 2012