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Robin Nicolson providing some vocals at a Royal British Legion Social Club ceilidh in April, 1989.
Picture added on 22 June 2011 at 16:28
Yes, he was our front man in Liam & Co. (which was The Hamnavoe Dance Band until Jack Y. left in 1975 and Liam came in as box player). Happy days!
Added by Allan Drever on 05 November 2016
Liam & Co provided the music at my older son's wedding reception 27 years ago. Seems like only yesterday . . .
Fairly recently resettled in Orkney, I'd never heard the band and booked them on word-of-mouth recommendation. You didn't let us down, Allan and colleagues! My new daughter-in-law, from California, thought her first exposure to Orkney music was pretty cool too.
Fairly recently resettled in Orkney, I'd never heard the band and booked them on word-of-mouth recommendation. You didn't let us down, Allan and colleagues! My new daughter-in-law, from California, thought her first exposure to Orkney music was pretty cool too.
Added by Ian Hourston on 07 December 2016
That's a fair while ago Ian but I do remember that it was held upstairs in the dining room of the Stromness Hotel and with the mix of people at the wedding, our brand of music seemed to go down well. I'm certainly glad that you still appreciate our efforts after all these years and it'll be good to have some of your family close again.
Just as an afterthought Ian - my middle name is Hourston, as was my Auntie Aggie's (mother's sister). My great uncle Bertie Work who died at Collingwood (opposite Burnside) in the 60's had a housekeeper from Shapinsay, also by the name of Hourston. These little coincidences always make me wonder.
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Just as an afterthought Ian - my middle name is Hourston, as was my Auntie Aggie's (mother's sister). My great uncle Bertie Work who died at Collingwood (opposite Burnside) in the 60's had a housekeeper from Shapinsay, also by the name of Hourston. These little coincidences always make me wonder.
Added by Allan Drever on 17 December 2016