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Stronsay about 1971

Picture added on 24 March 2011 at 16:12
I have not been in Stronsay for many years, Willie. Was this taken at the top of the village and if so that would be my Grandad's house and the Smiddy, where my Uncle Andrew lived, on the left? The tiny little house between the others on the road to the old cemetery was where my Grandparents, my Mom (Barrie Burghes) and the family lived. Am I correct? Spent many great summers in Stronsay as a child. Fond memories.
Added by Freda Jackson on 25 March 2011
Yes, this will be the corner at the top of the west pier. I think the 2 boats are the Odette ( small one) and the other is a boat belonging to Jock o Kirbister.
Added by William Watters on 29 March 2011
That boat called "Odette" was that a boat me uncle Donald Thomson repaired? I think it was "offo" a Norwegian or Danish Navy ship and was damaged in Orkney someway. I mind him tackan her oot tae Longhope, he had a petrol Scammel engine in her. Am I on the right track or not? Bill Miller thoo will ken!!. And was "Odette" the name o the ship she came "offo"??.
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Added by John Budge on 29 March 2011