The Orkney Image Library
No: 24918 Contributor: Beryl Simpson (nee Gillespie) Year: 1981
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On the bus to see Susan McCann 1981
Left side.
Margaret & Billy Learnmonth, June & David Groat, Alan Isbister, Tommy Moar, myself and Ella Gunn.
Right side
Geordie Taylor, ? Angela Groat, Thelma Besant, Mabel Besant, Ethell Joyce, Mabel and David Gillespie

Picture added on 18 March 2011 at 21:26
Mind Billy from days of the old wooden Hoy Head coming in past Graemsay when I was a peedie boy, and he found accomodation for me with Mrs Jonhston in Brimms when I worked on old steel Hoy Head one summer and was told that I could stay onboard by mr Bullen but there was no accomodation on board.Great guy and true gentleman.
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Anonymous comment added on 20 March 2011
I would like to see a photo on the way home too!!