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Hand made pens
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Hand made pens

hand made pens. The 3 on the right are all made from reclaimed wood i think its spalted beech but not sure.
Picture added on 08 March 2011 at 16:23
I think they're really lovely!
Added by Isobel Irvine on 08 March 2011
thank you very much the 3 on the right were made from an old packing crate i found at work. im realy pleased with the way they turned out.
Added by Michael on 08 March 2011
Great pen's to use, have tried one or two of them. Great skill to have Michael.
Added by Colin McBeath on 08 March 2011
They're lovely, do you sell them anywhere?

[Michael - pass on your email address so I can add it to your contributors profile- Steven]
Added by Vivienne Rorie on 09 March 2011
I also asked if those pens were on sale in Kirkwall.
Added by Isobel Irvine on 11 March 2011
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