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22nd.March 2011
JCB at work removing the "narrows" on Pipersquoy Road.
[Looking down Kirklands Road, Pipersquoy Terrace behind the JCB- Steven]
Picture added on 24 February 2011 at 11:12
i wonder if we will ever learn the name of the person/s who dreamt up that nonsense in the first place, and the bollards.
Added by Sandy on 24 February 2011
who will be held responsible for this serious waste of money ?
Added by John Wells on 24 February 2011
the council sandy are a bit like my parents there are some things they just dont want you to know
Added by Billy Cardno on 26 February 2011
You can be sure our council tax will go up along with the ----'- -- on the roads & pavements!!
[You can be sure that your Council Tax will stay exactly the same, like it has for the last 3 years - Steven]
[You can be sure that your Council Tax will stay exactly the same, like it has for the last 3 years - Steven]
Added by Morag Shearer on 04 March 2011
1st. what I would like to know is how much it cost to construct.? 2nd How much did it cost to remove it? 3rd Who was responsible for it in the first place?4th why was two different contractors used {A}. Andrew Sinclair construction {B}.O.I.C. to remove it. When the budget is being severely cut and redundacy is rife, how can the officials responsible for this not brought to account?
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Added by Robert Munro on 02 May 2011