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The new school hostel plans are coming under scrutiny after an online petition has been started to 'Save Papdale Woods'.
In order to create the access road to the new Papdale Halls of Residence up to 22 trees will have to be felled. According to Graham Macdonald, the owner of the petition, this will result in the 'destruction' of the woods, and loss of 'one of Orkney's rare natural treasures'. Concern has been heightened by speculation that the yellow marks that are on many of the trees are identifying the ones that will be felled.
Not so says Alan Moar, the OIC's project manager for the £50M Schools Investment Programme.
He maintains that 22 is the absolute maximum that would need to be felled, and that the actual number is likely to be much less, probably no more than 10. Furthermore the trees in that area of the woods were surveyed in 2009 and most were found to be in 'poor' or 'fair' states of health, showing that they are in decline. Thinning and replanting would be necessary for the long term future of the woods in any case, and more trees will be planted as part of the project than will be lost. The yellow dots relate to the survey, and have no significance in respect of the Schools Project.
Divergent opinions- so what are we really talking about here? Where is this road, what is its extent, and what impact will it have on the Papdale Woods? What like shape are the woods in anyway?
First thing to consider is the location of the road. The image above shows the plans for the hostel and its access road superimposed on top of a Google Maps satellite view of the area. The overlay is pretty accurate, as individual trees on the plan are plotted from the 2009 survey coincide with their counterparts on the satellite image. The access road shown is a short continuation of Papdale Road which enters the picture from the right. It follows the line of the north wall of the walled garden in the centre of the picture, and is parallel to the existing footpath. The planned road is only slightly wider than single carriageway as only occasional traffic is expected.
Picture added on 08 February 2011 at 16:48
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I would draw viewers attention to the words "likely" and "probably". Will it not be the case that once the road is planned, if it isn't already, that any tree regardless of it's state will be felled if it is in the way. Sign the petition folks. We have few enough trees.
Added by Sandy on 08 February 2011
At present on a Monday morning the bairns arriving for that the week's attendance at school are dropped off by coach at the Hostel. The coach parks on Berstane Rd at a busy time of day and can cause a few problems as there are vehicles going to/from Peedie Breeks.
New building - is the coach expected to use the new road that appears to offer a loop for "easier" access. Loop appears to be tight wonder if a coach can swing around those bends or is this another Desktop planning exercise. Encountered "Desktop Planning" when the One-way system was being introduced at the end of Weyland Terrace. The width of the junction left for vehicles entering Weyland Terrace was going to be reduced (Desktop Planning), I spoke to two experienced HGV drivers who said it was impossible to enter the revised layout without mounting the kerb therefore causing further damage to the wall around Billy Jolly's house. Roads Dept thought the Desktop was more reliable than the views of experienced drivers. So I asked if OIC drivers could take a bin lorry around the sharp corner without mounting the pavement - Residents 1 OIC 0! Width of junction remained as it was, to allow easier entry for large vehicles such as the Bin/Recycle lorries, Oil Tankers and Coal Lorries.
Why cant present Swimming Pool access road be used and put road to new Hostel below the Walled Garden?
New building - is the coach expected to use the new road that appears to offer a loop for "easier" access. Loop appears to be tight wonder if a coach can swing around those bends or is this another Desktop planning exercise. Encountered "Desktop Planning" when the One-way system was being introduced at the end of Weyland Terrace. The width of the junction left for vehicles entering Weyland Terrace was going to be reduced (Desktop Planning), I spoke to two experienced HGV drivers who said it was impossible to enter the revised layout without mounting the kerb therefore causing further damage to the wall around Billy Jolly's house. Roads Dept thought the Desktop was more reliable than the views of experienced drivers. So I asked if OIC drivers could take a bin lorry around the sharp corner without mounting the pavement - Residents 1 OIC 0! Width of junction remained as it was, to allow easier entry for large vehicles such as the Bin/Recycle lorries, Oil Tankers and Coal Lorries.
Why cant present Swimming Pool access road be used and put road to new Hostel below the Walled Garden?
Added by Raymond Grieve on 12 February 2011
I am sure I read somewhere that BATS roost in Papdale Woods. If so, they are protected by law.
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Added by Sandy on 20 February 2011