The Orkney Image Library
No: 24504 Contributor: Kevin Wooldrage Year: 2010
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Strange carvings in the hillside - but where?

Picture added on 08 December 2010 at 14:33
This picture is in the following groups
Mystery places or things or people
Mystery places or things or people
Was that no at wideford hill markings or strikes left by lightening of a very severe thunderstorm that grass or gorse doesn,t grow anymore i am sure my father told me that as i was growing up
Added by Margaret Robertson on 08 December 2010
Is it a carving of a baby elephant looking towards the top right of the photo?
Anonymous comment added on 16 April 2011
It's not lighting- have a look at
this link here. There is a lot more stuff off to the left and to the right and down.
<< back
this link here. There is a lot more stuff off to the left and to the right and down.
Added by Steven Heddle on 16 April 2011