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Burgar Hill wind turbine
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Burgar Hill wind turbine

Pics taken late 1980s. Fir Dave Rendall in particular, the first 3-megawatt wind-powered generator on Burgar Hill.
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Picture added on 30 September 2010 at 22:55
The noise produced when this was working was awesome. You literally could not hear someone yelling into your ear.
Added by Hazel Malpass on 30 September 2010
Sorry, finger-trouble. No conifer intended.

[Is your fir causing yew to repine? I'll spruce that up later- Steven]
Added by Ian Hourston on 01 October 2010
If you're looking for a pinophyte, Steven, I'll put on my wellingtonias, drive over in my old British Leylandii truck, larch through your door, and solve your monkey puzzle once and for all. So there!

[I'm out! - Steven]
Added by Ian Hourston on 01 October 2010
cheers for adding the pics!
Anonymous comment added on 01 October 2010
Nice one Steven
Added by Anonymous2 on 04 October 2010
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