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Like the picture says- its a chance for our contributors to meet and have a yarn, and if you want, to tell me where I'm going wrong and how you preferred the old layout of the pages!

The worst thing that could happen is that I might try to sell you a calendar...

It's from 8pm tonight, Tuesday 17th August, and wholly informal.
Picture added on 17 August 2010 at 15:31
I might be a bit late as the flight from Bournemouth is no till the morn'.
Have a good evening.
Added by PRICE SINCLAIR on 17 August 2010
Will be there in spirit [could have sent you a large photo of me to pin on the wall?] as the building is not exactly accessible for my wheelchair - and no I cannot be carried or lifted up those stairs!!! Hope the evening goes well.

[Thanks Marion- we'll come up with a more accessible venue any other time. - Steven]
Added by MARION MCLEOD on 17 August 2010
...and dont forget the exiles who want tae buy calendars on line as soon as possible!

[It'll be sorted by the end of this week... - Steven]
Added by David Watters on 17 August 2010
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