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Ist Kirkwall Company Boys Brigade Pipe Pand
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Ist Kirkwall Company Boys Brigade Pipe Pand

Taken the same night as #2289

Back row: Alastair Kelday, Paul Wicker, Robert Petrie, Keith Williamson, Wille Fraser, John Cameron, Timothy Wicker, Kevin Bews, Erling Flett, Erland Grieve.

Front Row: Peter Burgess, Roy Williamson, John Rendall, Charlie McKinnon, Andy Cant, Brian Kynoch, Duncan Hill, John Stephen, Errol Makay, Arnold Calder.
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Picture added on 24 February 2007
Hello all! Sorry you got me and my brother mixed up. Timothy Wicker is on the back row, far left next to Alistair Kelday. I am on the back row, fourth on the right next to Kevin Bews. I think everybody else is correct!
Added by Paul Wicker on 14 February 2014
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