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I mind sailing on the new Orcadia when it wis fairly new an spikin tae an old Stronsay man, Davie Caithness from Newfield. I said there wis some differ on this bot fae the old Thorfin. He said," I widno ken min, fur I wis niver on hid"
In ower 30 year he hid niver been oot o' Stronsay.
Hardly believable wi' the ase o' travel noo.

Picture added on 28 May 2010 at 13:01
Price, great picture and love the accent. My mother, Barbara Chalmers was born in 1907 at Boondatown. to Ada, nee Fotheringhame
Added by Rod Scott on 31 May 2010
He's even warse than Lizo Peace. She wis nivir oot o' Orkney till she geed tae Stromness!!
Anonymous comment added on 01 June 2010
Hi Rod my great great gran was a fotherinhame, Agnes born 1849 married James Chalmers 6 june 1872
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Added by Jennifer Rowley (nee Chalmers) on 11 June 2010