The Orkney Image Library
No: 23848 Contributor: Price Sinclair Year: 1905
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I can't imagine that open top wheelhouse on a coorse day in the firth.

Picture added on 28 May 2010 at 13:04
The 'North Company' improved the bridge by putting 'pill boxes' on each end of the bridge. The next improvement was to remove the pill boxes and replace it with a central covered bridge house. I was told that my grandfather, Captain George Bain Swanson, complained that the pill boxes were of greater benefit as he spent much time at the ends of the bridge when coming alongside.
Added by Bruce Gorie on 17 June 2010
old memories of many crossings on St Ola // a long time ago now // morris pottinger//
Added by Morris Pottinger on 04 May 2011
Your scanner has a serious list to starboard Price, but I too can't see a picture of the first St Ola (albeit in my case only after her final bridge improvements) without calling to mind the southbound crossing when we were heaved around so violently that I for one didn't stop throwing-up until the train pulled into Inverness railway station. Ah memories!
Added by Ian Hourston on 07 May 2011
No Ian you are completely wrong, my scanner is just fine. The problem relates to the consumption of rather a lot of "HP Sauce" before the image was scanned.
Added by Price Sinclair on 16 May 2011
Perhaps something similar was the cause of my getting so many nonsequiturs into a three-line comment. (For those in need of explanation - nonsequiturs are things you can't prune roses with.)
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Added by Ian Hourston on 19 May 2011