The Orkney Image Library
No: 23739 Contributor: Alistair Foden Year: 2010
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The old Hoy head's luck seems to hace taken a turn for the worse. In a very sorry state in Irvine on 23/4/10.

Picture added on 26 April 2010 at 21:06
Whit a shame, she took folk fae Flotta tae Scapa the night I got merrid, an hid wis some gale o win is weel.
Added by Ian Robertson on 27 April 2010
no wonder its in poor shape noo if it wis aroond when you got married. that wis in the 1930s wis it no
Anonymous comment added on 28 April 2010
I see her every day lying there, and its only owing to being derelict and the harbour authorit, not wanting to spend money that cannot be recovered that she has lain for about 9 months like this.. there is a massive luxury housing development due to start soon along the side o the river near her.. bet they get her moved PDQ..Sorry this has nothing to do wi Orkney, but I am orcadian, and so was the Hoy Head, will keep posted on her future.....or fate.
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Added by Jimmy Hamilton on 29 April 2010