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Not a very big mystery, but what is the occasion?

Picture added on 26 April 2010 at 21:05
This picture is in the following groups
Mystery places or things or people
Mystery places or things or people
dunno... but I'm seeing double!
Added by Alison Ritchie on 26 April 2010
Looks like its in the garden round the back of the Lynnfield
Added by Douglas Aitken on 26 April 2010
twins, twins , twins can ya no seeee
Anonymous comment added on 27 April 2010
Parade of twins at a Stromness Shopping Week!?
Added by Lex on 27 April 2010
something to do with twins?
Added by Eoin on 27 April 2010
I think this was a photo taken to celebrate all the sets of twins that have been born in Orkney.
Anonymous comment added on 27 April 2010
Got to be a gathering of twins, recognise quite a few!
Anonymous comment added on 28 April 2010
It's a special 'Twins Event' at the Lynnfield Hotel. According to my records (such as they are) it was in 1995, but I find it hard to believe it was 15 years ago. Incidentally, my camera at the time wasn't wide-angle enough to include everyone in one shot, so I cobbled two prints together using a craft-knife and glue (I didn't have a computer/scanner/printer then). The photo above was scanned from the cobbled print and manipulated slightly to disguise the join. I should really have scanned the original negs, cropped and photomerged them, but life's too short . . .
Added by Ian Hourston on 29 April 2010
Was this not to celebrate the oldest living twins 90th birthday.( The Budge Twins, Mrs Garrioch and Mrs Taylor. I might be wrong about second name though.)
Anonymous comment added on 02 May 2010
I think Anonymous is right about it being a celebration based on the oldest twins' birthday.
Added by Ian Hourston on 05 May 2010
Sorry didn't mean to be Anonymous- just forgot to sign in!!!
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Added by Sylvie Leonard on 06 May 2010