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Dont know who took it or why but the 76th birthday sign in Hepworths window would make it late 50s or early 60s.ye can hiv a fine time arguin who it is
[Hepworths was founded in 1864, if that is any help- which would make this 1940 if that is the anniversary celebrated- Steven]

Picture added on 01 April 2010 at 17:28
the Hepworths shop chain didnt start till the 1880s,I thought that would be the most likely birthday
Added by John Schollay on 01 April 2010
I think I recognise the man in the forefront of the picture as being Tom Learmonth who lived in Bridge Street Wynd at the back of Leonards booksellers. Tom was a Carrier who carted goods off the Pier and delivered to shops on the Street. He used a huge two wheeled wheelbarrow with a leather harness that looped on to the shafts and over his shoulders. We used to pass his house on the way to school. The man with the flat cap could br Andy(Wingy)Williamson, so called on account of losing an arm. Andy was a friend of my Grandfather,they were co-founders' of the Old Mens' Hut at the West Pier. Added by Phli Brough.
Anonymous comment added on 02 April 2010
Hepworth's was founded in Leeds in 1864.
It was the original "Next" that we all see on the high street and in shopping centres today.
It was the original "Next" that we all see on the high street and in shopping centres today.
Added by Kirkwallian on 03 April 2010
No arguments required John, I'm reasonably sure that the gentleman in the photo is none other than the late Tom Learmonth of Kirkwall.
Tom was in the haulage business. He plied his trade with horse and cart around Kirkwall and when his trusty steed passed on to the "big stables in the sky", Tom took over using a large two wheeled barrow, complete with shafts and harness.
He lived in Bridge Street Wynd, and stored his equipment in the neighbourhood.
I seem to remember that he was a member of that group of gentlemen called "The Pierhead Parliament" probably in his retirement.
Tom was in the haulage business. He plied his trade with horse and cart around Kirkwall and when his trusty steed passed on to the "big stables in the sky", Tom took over using a large two wheeled barrow, complete with shafts and harness.
He lived in Bridge Street Wynd, and stored his equipment in the neighbourhood.
I seem to remember that he was a member of that group of gentlemen called "The Pierhead Parliament" probably in his retirement.
Added by Peter Burges on 03 April 2010
I was the Manager of Hepworths from Late 1975 till July 1979. I remember Jack Clark who was the Manager for many years prior to my spell in Orkney. Claypit Lane in Leeds was the Head Office of Hepworths for many years. Once all shops closed approx late84/early 85 as stated previously, Next took over many shops, great memories for myself during my stay in Orkney
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Added by Alan Joiner on 18 August 2019