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Orkney Islands Shipping Coy. 2010
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Orkney Islands Shipping Coy. 2010

The new look, 5/2/10.
Picture added on 09 February 2010 at 16:12
were they in so much o a hurry they couldn't paint over the old one ?!
Added by John on 09 February 2010
Who gave authority for a corporate re-brand of Orkney Ferries, the company is still called Orkney Ferries not Marine Services.

Note to councillor Steven...one for you to provide an answer to.

[Came as a surprise to me too, but then I'm not on the Transport and Infrastructure Committee. I'll enquire, but it's not something that I'm up in the air about having been more upset when the OISC name was binned. This has been done rather crudely though, and it offends my eye.

Still, I'd rather see Orkney Islands Council on the side of the boats than 'Highlands and Islands Council', that's for sure.
- Steven]
Added by Kirkwallian on 10 February 2010
I didna realise Orkney Ferries were under the 'Marine Services' banner yet? Is this another example o' Orkney Islands Council jumping the gun before a full 'consultation' has been carried oot?
Added by Michael on 10 February 2010
Since we are all in agreement that the aesthetics are all wrong here, can I harness your like-minded talents in gaining suggestions for pictures for The Calendar? See the Image Library News section for more details.

Make Orkney a better place every single day of next year by helping put a nice calendar in the kitchen and raise some money for charity.

This picture won't be on it!
Added by Steven Heddle on 10 February 2010
Shame! It has all the right qualities: bold composition, excellent sharpness and definition, interesting subject-matter, plenty of red . . .

[But red is the only thing that is being seen! - Stevn]
Added by Ian Hourston on 10 February 2010
Could it not have waited until the next re-fit so it could be done properly? What kind of an advert for the company is that anyway?
Added by Alistair Foden on 10 February 2010
Och, they must have simply made a mistake and this is the sign for the storage compound. and it will be no time till we see the old Funnel markings painted out and a bonnie new crest in its place. LOL.
Added by Allan Besant on 11 February 2010
Just what you come to expect from the Oic no proper consultation and a botched job ,will they ever learn ? I think not mibee they could get C K Mackenzie to help them out wi some ideas!!!!!!!
Added by Big bomber on 12 February 2010
Added by Michael Thomson on 13 February 2010
Message from the webmaster

I've made it clear before that this site is not a forum for cheap shots against anyone or anything, and have deleted comments in the past as a result. If the above cheap shots had been against anyone or anything other than the OIC they would not have been posted, but I've let them through because I don't want to be seen to be showing bias. But that's it now- there's nothing constructive here.
Added by Steven Heddle on 14 February 2010
Just incase there was any doubt, my last comment was not any kind of cheap shot. I'm saying absolutly nothing about wheather or not the counsel has rushed anything through since I have absolutly no knowledge to be able to make such a statement.

What kind of an advert is that for the company to someone who's never been on on one of OF's boats though? Are they really going to think they are in safe hands when they see the quality of the workmanship on that?
Added by Alistair Foden on 14 February 2010
The orkney ferries web site still has the OF logo.

I follow the oic proceedings fairly closely and dont recall any report on corporate re branding. My comment wis only because the photo came as a surprise and in light of the fopa the council had with the warden fiasco, I was just wundering if the director of marine services had jumped the gun with the change.
On the other hand the photo could have been a set up, someone some where will know is going on.
No cheap shot here either only a qualified and justafiable comment.

Added by Kirkwallian on 14 February 2010
Likewise. I couldnt be bothered to take a cheap shot at OIC or anybody else for that matter, but I see what I see and can only think that this is only temperary untill they get it sorted and yes I did think it was amusing.
Added by Allan Besant on 15 February 2010
Oh I can assure you hid's no set up. If you look at the starboard side you will see anither waan only the auld logo has been painted ower as the painters got tae hid before hid was fitted! I could write a whole pile more but I widna want tae incurr the webmasters wrath, bit then again it widna be cheap council pot shots, it wid be direct hits :-)
Added by Michael on 15 February 2010
Lets hope this is sorted out before the tourist trade takes off as it does not inspire much confidence in the company and sadly only has a negative affect on the crews, not whoever commisioned it!
Added by Richard Swanney on 16 February 2010
I think that it's little wonder that there is a lot o folk annoyed with this "new" logo when you consider that this is the third logo to appear on this funnel! There was nothing wrong with the OF logo.
I think that it would be good to see the new logo on a new ship rather than patch up the old ones.
Added by Malcolm Scott on 19 February 2010
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