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Loading Ford Cortina 4298EH onto the St Ola at Scrabster 1966. My father's first return to Orkney after leaving the Halley radar station on Deerness in 1942.
Picture added on 10 January 2010 at 17:11
The late Ally Clouston driving the winch.
Added by Fred Johnston. on 10 January 2010
Car is a 1964 registered Cortina Deluxe. Registration numbers 1000EH to 8975EH were registered between March and Dec 1964 in Stoke on Trent. The above was registered after 1st Oct as the car has the latest front grille which was introduced in Oct 1964
Added by David Tullock on 11 January 2010
Is it the Ola or St Clements?
Added by Willie Pottinger on 11 January 2010
Although I was not around then, I am 100% certain that the ship in this photo is the St Clement; you can see a piece of her forward super structure, the Ola had a much longer foredeck. Also the big ventilator would suggest St Clement.
Added by Steven Flett on 13 January 2010
Definitely St. Clements.
Added by David Pottinger on 13 January 2010
Why do folk call her the St Clements? Her name was St Clement.
Added by Ian Hourston on 14 January 2010
I think that this is definately the " St. Clement". The " Ola" did not have a ladder ford. of the bridge, but the " Clement" did.
Added by Fred Johnston. on 14 January 2010
I wid kinda agree.
Added by W Watters on 14 January 2010
You all may be correct. But I do recall returning on the St Ola that year. Two years later the boats were both caught in Stromness due to bad weather. I was on my own as my father died the previous year. On the St Ola in the Pentland Firth I looked back to see the St Clement following but seemingly above us in the great swell.
Added by Roy Adams on 25 January 2010
In July & early August from about 1965 the St Clement partnered St Ola because the Ola could only carry about 30 cars maximum (that was with 8 or 9 on top deck). Cars were mainly loaded on St Clement which usually sailed before St Ola so that they could be lined up waiting for their passengers to arrive at Scrabster. St Clement being a cargo ship could only carry 12 passengers so nearly all passenger went on St Ola. because St Clement had more space in her holds it was also possible to use a frame with 3 plates holding front & rear wheels instead of grabs on each wheel so it was quicker to load & discharge.
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Added by W Mackay on 24 January 2011