The Orkney Image Library
No: 24202 Contributor: Jim Eunson Year: 2010
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Kirkwall where?
Just spotted on eBay, a print-on-demand version of Hossack with an interesting choice of cover photo, clearly made by someone very familiar with Orkney landscape.
Picture added on 01 October 2010 at 15:06
... and putting an S where an S don't go....
Added by Al Hine on 02 October 2010
Hossack put the S there, and whether it's permissible still seems to be a matter for debate.
Added by Ian Hourston on 04 October 2010
The title is as per Hossack (except that his first names are not given in full in the 1st ed).
Added by Jim Eunson on 05 October 2010
Going back to my early drinking days, I'm certain that Wideford Hill looked just like that on a frosty evening!
Added by PRICE SINCLAIR on 05 October 2010