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Black Building 19/11/09. Looking in direction of Bobby Leslie's house (and my own too, if you draw the line).
... or the housing development that might go there could be called 'Repeater Station Square'.
Picture added on 19 November 2009 at 20:20
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Black Building
Black Building
To make a wartime allusion, it will surely be 'Golden Square'. These will be the most expensive house sites in Orkney - and we're all paying for them!
Added by Leslie Burgher on 20 November 2009
My Dad, whilst home on leave from the Navy at the beginning of the war got a weeks work with Balfour Beatty carting sand to the site where this building was to be built a few weeks later. He said it was good pay at £5 for the week. He was the lorry driver & teamed up with Robbie of Cringliefield, Tankerness. He and Robbie drove out to Sandside, Deerness and manually shovelled sand from the beach onto the lorry and drove back to the site and shovelled the sand off - making numerous trips of course. Later more men carted more sand to the site. The lorries were brand new Bedford ones that had been destined for our troops in France but the Dunkirk evacuation and the pulling out of UK troops from France meant the lorries were no longer needed there and Balfour Beatty acquired them. Dad said the odd thing was that the pile of sand he and Robbie carted was not used for the building work for some reason and instead levelled and scattered over the land nearby. He could remember someone who had either built a house or bought a house near there commenting to him that the ground there was very sandy and they wondered why.
Added by MARION MCLEOD on 25 November 2009
It does look odd now that it is no longer there. I miss it as it was a landmark and doing nobody any harm. Hope they do not advance the project for housing and leave it as a green space. Maybe the Community Council will put up a wee plaque.
Added by Bobby Leslie on 04 March 2010
Can I still say, "I'm going for a walk around The Black Building"?
Added by Barbara Johnston on 05 March 2010
If new houses do go up, I hope someone builds a garage in a similer style - with that arch style door on the front - providing they get planning permission of course! -A mini black building!
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Added by Al Hine on 07 November 2010
Some o yer fellow cooncillors should be ashamed that they let this happen.