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Kirkwall Guides
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Kirkwall Guides

Kirkwall Guides around 1942. My mother Mary Croy is far left in the front row. The only other people I can name are Margaret Bain (Flett) 3rd from the left back row and Sheena Marr 3rd from the right middle row. Can anyone name the others?
Picture added on 20 October 2009 at 12:58
Top Row,L-R.Audrey Hercus,Betty Marwick,Margaret Bain,Ivy Cooper,Betty Mowatt,Margaret Tinch,??,Violet Johnstone,Marnie Bertram.Middle Row,L-R.Irene Peace,??,??,??,??,??,Rene Laughton, Sheena Marr,Janette Drever,??.Front Row,L-R.Mary Croy,Aileen Anderson,Evelyn Rosie,??,??. Added by Phil Brough.
Added by Phil Brough on 20 October 2009
Pretty sure that the girl 3rd from right on the back row is my mother Mary Smith (nee Fraser)
Added by Inga McGarry on 21 October 2009
Audrey Hercus - first in the back row can name them all
Added by Joey Tait on 21 October 2009
Thanks everyone. It would be great if Audrey could fill in the missing names. I know that the two white stripes on Mum's pocket meant that she was a patrol leader but I can't remember what the lanyard signified. Immediately below her Primrose patrol badge there is a badge depicting wings and there are two star badges on the pocket. Anyone know what they meant?
Added by Cathleen Spence on 26 October 2009
Middle Row: 2nd left ?Mooney,Rena Garrioch,Barry Brass, Mrs.Stewart,Jenny Gourlay
Added by Bill Wilson on 01 November 2009
Girlguiding Orkney are looking for items like this. if you can help, please contact me
Added by Alison Mainland on 03 November 2009
A whistle was attached to the lanyard. As for the lanyard itself I have a feeling it was about being prepared and that you had rope with you for an emergency!! We also carried a knife. I can't quite remeber what the stars were for but I do remember having a badge sewn on my shirt that was embroidered with the county emblem.(This was certainly the case in England). I was first patrol leader of Red Rose patrol then company leader.
Three stripes were for Company Leader.
Added by Jane Russell on 06 November 2009
My mother, Margaret Tinch, agrees with the names added in the comments and can also add Elma Sinclair farthest right in the middle row.
Added by Davie Wilson on 15 March 2021
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