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Taken in Stronsay about 1928. Can anyone tell me the make and model of the car ?
Picture added on 23 September 2009 at 12:03
Could it be a Morris Cowley Bullnose? It certainly has what they called a"Dickey seat" in the back of the car. My father had the same Model before the 2nd.,war, it was used to drive the men to work during the day and in the evenings and weekend he drove "The Laughtons' Dance Band to functions all over the country. Coming back from one of these, the car ended up in a field and was a write off. He scrapped the car and a lot of parts went up in the Attic of the workshop where they lay for about 30 years.I asked him what happened and he said, as well as the Band members,they had "Johnie Walker" on board. Added by Phil Brough.
Added by Phil Brough on 23 September 2009
We seem to have three photos of this old car, 22599 and 22720 both 1928 and 22645 in 1940. It looked well used in 1928 and the style is reminiscent of the early twenties or earlier. Easy to say what it isn't - almost every marque in the book. Certainly not a Bullnose Morris, nose not bull enough. Not an Angus Sanderson who only made three models, a 4-seater tourer, no dicky, and two 2-seaters both with dickey. I thought it could be a Crossley, one of the few makes of that era who made a 4-seater tourer with a dickey and windscreen, but the radiator is wrong. Radiator looks more like a Fiat but can't find a 4-seater with dickey. Please, someone, identify this car
Added by Tom Scott on 13 October 2009
My apologies to Paul Sutherland for doubting his identification. This is certainly an Angus-Sanderson. The reference to a dickey misled me - it is not a dicky, just rear seats set well back. If you have doubts go to www.cars-a-z.net/a/angus-sanderson-photos.html The radiator is spot on.
If you have a copy of November 2009 Scots Magazine go to page 484 for photo of what I take to be another Angus-Sanderson.
If you have a copy of November 2009 Scots Magazine go to page 484 for photo of what I take to be another Angus-Sanderson.
Added by Tom Scott on 23 November 2009
Who is in the car?
Added by Jane Russell on 24 November 2009
Jane, take a look at picture #22720 apparently taken at the same time. If so the occupants were newly weds David Harthill and my cousin Agnes Williamson
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Added by Tom Scott on 24 November 2009