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Pat Dennison looking after the children at Ayre of Myers beach names please

Picture added on 15 June 2009
Kate Miller Wilma Dennison rest is right, I dont ken the other boys
Added by Erlend Stout on 28 June 2009
L-r back row, roy dennison, walter macgillivray, bobby miller
l-r middle row, katie bryce, pat dennison, kate miller, magnus dennison
l-r front row, lyn rendall, mike rendall, keith dennison
l-r middle row, katie bryce, pat dennison, kate miller, magnus dennison
l-r front row, lyn rendall, mike rendall, keith dennison
Added by Mike Nicolson on 30 June 2009
The boy in the centre of the back row is Walter McGilvery. the girl on the left of the middle row is Katie Bryce . Wilma Dennison not in photo
Added by Jim Cooper on 01 July 2009
Yes 1958 and it's at the sand dunes in Rothiesholme (Rousam).
Added by Keith Dennison on 22 March 2010
Think that's me behind Magnus. Bobby Miller was older when that photo was taken. I was a wee bit older than Keith.
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Added by Duncan MacRae on 20 February 2017
If so then I think this is later than 1955. 1957/8 perhaps?