The Orkney Image Library
No: 2088 Contributor: Erik Manson Year: 1905
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The Captain, crew and Captain's wife.
Picture added on 17 December 2006
Not the captain's wife, but the stewardess. I confess I only know that because I found a copy of this photo on the Shetland Museum website(photos.shetland-museum.org.uk). It states it is by G Robertson and describes it as: "Crew of the ST. NINIAN, circa 1910. Front row: L-R: Bob Watson? Alex Jamieson, Alex Forsyth, Bobby Howe. 2nd row: James Goodlad (carpenter) Magnie Peterson (2nd Mate) Magnie Cooper (Mate) Mrs. Smith (Stewardess) Capt. Nicholson, George Brown (Chief Engineer) Tom Sutherland (2nd Engineer) 3rd. row: Tommy Milne (Steward) George Mitchell (Steward) Fred Skelton (Steward) John Slater (Purser) Lewis Wiseman (Cook) James Coutts (Chief Steward) ? Shapply (2nd Steward) John MacDonald (Steward) Jim Graham Tom Jennings. 4th. row: Charles Mouat, James Nicolson (Capt's Nephew) George Williamson (Bo'sun) ? Tommy Gray (Fireman) George Duthie (Fireman) Charles Young (Fireman) ? (from Wick) Back row: ? Andrew Moar, James Cluness ? Tulloch ?Eunson Andrew Robertson Andrew Leask (Greaser) Charles Scott (Greaser)." I also found the St Ninian in the 1901 Census. She was in Lerwick Harbour at the time and 25 of the crew were on board, but not the Captain (perhaps he lived in Lerwick). Of those shown above, only the carpenter, bo'sun and chief (then second) engineer were on her.
Added by Paul Sutherland on 19 December 2006
Captain William Nicolson was my grandfather. There is no "h" in the family name. It is NICOLSON. He lived in West Burra Firth (near Lerwick) with my grandmother Barbara Nicolson and my father Carl Campbell Nicolson and my uncle Harald Cameron Nicolson. I have in my possession the wedding gift ST NINIAN'S crew presented to William and Barbara on the occasion of their marriage.
Added by Grahame Carl Nicolson on 21 March 2008
My Grandfather served with the RNAS during WW1, and according to his diary, on 4th September 1917 he crossed via Thurne to Stromness Fair on S.S.St. Ninian. However, according to Wikipedia, the S.S. St Ninian was sunk by a German 'U' boat (UB48), 3 nautical miles off Whitby on 7th February 1917, some 7 months earlier!! Could someone throw some light on to this situation please??
Added by Alan Jones on 15 April 2009
John Slater was my grandfather who was purser on board the St Ninian. His son Robert G Slater was the purser on the next St Ninian and St Ola
Added by Fiona Nicklin nee Slater on 11 October 2010