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The Tait family have a long tradition of diary keeping. The diaries of my great grand father W.s Tait are currently with Morris Pottinger who has published extracts from them in Orkney View and John o'Groats Journal. My grand father, my father and myself have all kept diaries. Together they give a record of daily life at Ingsay for the past 95 years. We are currently in the process of changing from the traditional system of tied cows to a modern state of the art slatted/bedded system. As work progresses I will give a regular update.
The current system means starting work at 6am to feed our 50 cows with wheel-barrows. Byres sre mucked out by hand morning and night. As we both work full time away from the farm this is done before we go to work and again after work.
Picture added on 03 May 2009
Would they no be better off eating some "nuts" rather than wheel-barrows ? Less chance of choking on a tyre or maybe even a handle.
Anonymous comment added on 08 May 2009
Ian you'll need to buy Karen a boilersuit to keep that fine white gansey fae gettin dirty
Added by Ian Ross on 08 May 2009
I'd say Mrs T qualifies as one of the most glamorous farm hands in Orkney.
Added by Whassigo on 10 May 2009
How can you keep clean with a white top on
Anonymous comment added on 16 May 2009
You always get clarted in sharn working wae coos so it disna matter if your clothes are pink, blue or purple!
Added by Ian Tait on 17 May 2009
How long does Karen have to stand there waiting for the cows to sh*** into the barrow?
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Added by Pat Gallagher - A Non Farmer on 25 June 2009