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Skara Brae
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Skara Brae

Tom writes:
'A play of light and shade on Skara Brae, taken in 1960, before "improvements" and measures taken for preservation from damage by too many visitors. Rolleiflex 2.8D FP4. No exposure data.'
Picture added on 22 July 2004
Skera Brae, as it was excavated, was nothing like this. I have seen the photos of the 50's excavation. What we see in the photo is a 20-21st century construct (a rebuild reflecting our own ideas, if you will). Negative comments about 'improvements' are as valid as anyone else's but as wrong as any others.
BTW, I used to attend beach party's in Skara Brae and where much booze was drunk and we had fires going in the hearths of the 'houses'. Rock N Roll!
Added by Graham Halcro on 15 May 2015
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Stromness parish

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