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Drying fish at the Peedie Sea
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Drying fish at the Peedie Sea

Date estimated. No shortage of flat fish in those days.
Picture added on 16 July 2004
More likely to be split cod or haddock.
Added by John Corall on 27 September 2005
Cod was certainly dried here, there is another photo (tk1625) at the Archives showing the weighing and packing of fish at Chalmers Fish Store. If you look really closely the word cod is written on a blackboard at the back of the store.
Added by Sarah De Rees on 04 April 2011
We were at the "Tarf tail o Swona" one day and one o whur senior crew men related a story of long ago how a widow of that Island was left with five bairns her husband having been lost at sea, to make a living she fished from the shore at the Tarf and brought up her bairns with the sale of dried fish!!.

We seldom realise how luckiy we are today for the state aid that is available for people like the Swona widow.
Added by John Budge on 06 April 2011
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