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THis photo shows three generations of James Chalmers from Castle, Stronsay. One of whom is featured in photo #15803. My dad, grandfather & great grandfather. Date approximate
Picture added on 25 February 2009
My Grandfather Uncle & Nephew. I have little info on your family branch.I think your dad married a Sylvia Chalmers.I think my dad took the pic in 1929.Best wishes.Would love to hear more.
Added by Richard Thomas on 09 May 2010
My Error. The youngest Jim is my cousin
Added by Richard Thomas on 11 May 2010
Hello Richard. I think you will be my 2nd cousin. Your mum (Jean - married to Errol?) was my dad's 1st cousin. I think the oldest man in the photo is your (and my) great grandfather. My mum is indeed Sylvia Chalmers. I would love to hear more from you - [email protected]
Added by Betty Miller on 12 May 2010
Hi Betty, your mum Sylvia is my father Jack Chalmer's cousin, Jennifer Rowley (nee Chalmers). My grandad was a James Sinclair Chalmers
Added by Jennifer Rowley on 26 May 2010
Hello Jennifer I mind old Jimmy Chalmers o the Rafters from when I was a boy o twelve, he was a rough an ready kinda man but was very kind hearted an was very good to me.I also remember your granny Flo as well. I remember calling him Jimmy one day but I didna do it again it was always Mr Chalmers after that. He had a peedie boat I think it was a ships boat wae a temperamental thing o a stuart turner engine in it. We used to go to the creels wae him and oot tae Switha for Sillocks an Lie as well as mackerel. In those days there were plenty o lobsters and partans I think we spent most of the summer holidays in the boat with Jimmy. He also had a fine peedie dog that went in the boat with him the whole time and she always sat up forrrid, I think it was a collie but I cant remember her name or yet the name of the boat. Along time ago now since he died, but I still have fond memories from those days way back in the fifties.
Added by Allan Besant on 01 June 2010
Hi Allan I ken u fine, name o the boat was flo, grandads dog was ?? yes its gone, grannys dog was Rip,yes very happy days,yes the engin was tempramental, I loved to go fishing for mackeral with my brother and sister.a lot o water gone under the bridge!
Added by Jennifer Rowley (nee Chalmers) on 11 June 2010
Flo must be right, thats the name John came up with as well. Wonder if the dogs name wasnt Rona.
Added by Allan Besant on 14 June 2010
I remember Jimmy Chalmers well to he taught us young fellas a lot to do wi the sea, the engine in the FLO was a wee stuart turner with no gearbox, it was direct coupled to the prop shaft, he had a row of pins that held the tiller in any position he wanted, also remember his horrific accident on the Ocean Raleigh, when a heavy snatch block carried away while taking a heavy load, it flew across the deck and pinned him between the mast, severely breaking his leg, left him pretty cripple for the rest of his days, also hi Jennifer , remember you too, long time ago now......
Added by Jimmy Hamilton on 16 June 2010
Yes, Rona, I remembered after sighing off, look at picture #16969, happy days.
Added by Jennifer Rowley (nee Chalmers) on 16 June 2010
hi jimmy i remember your brother and mum, i met francis 2000? can't guite remember the year, he was up after your mum had passed, he was staying with fiona when she was running a B,and,B, that is news to me, grandad having the accident.Thankyou for the comment, it has been very funny to me reading the banter you have with folk i ken. Jennifer.
Added by Jennifer Rowley (nee Chalmers) on 22 June 2010
Just to clarify; my mother's maiden name was Chalmers as is her married name.
The Chalmers family referred to above are from my mother's side and have no connection to the three Jim Chalmers shown in the photo (the youngest being my father)other than through the marriage of my parents. Hope this helps.
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The Chalmers family referred to above are from my mother's side and have no connection to the three Jim Chalmers shown in the photo (the youngest being my father)other than through the marriage of my parents. Hope this helps.
Added by Betty Miller (nee Chalmers) on 04 July 2010